Proud and passionate – Stuart Game becomes non executive director of the MLA
We are proud to announce that our Safe and Vault team leader, Stuart Game was voted onto the board of the MLA on 13th November 2021. He received a strong backing from the membership. Here is what Stuart had to say:
I am very proud of what I have achieved both within the Master Locksmith Association. As well as the industry as a whole. I am very passionate about the trade and am glad to be able to help and guide whilst representing the MLA and the membership.
The support I have received by the members is overwhelming. I am grateful and want to thank all those that voted for me. This is a great opportunity to be a part of the MLA board of directors and an honour.
My new role is a non executive director of the Master Locksmiths Association. My brief is to represent the personal members of the association. While also helping to develop the strategy and drive the MLA forward.
I have believed in the MLA since running my own business in 2012. Having completed the BLI Master Locksmith exam and being an approved company.
To gain a wider experience of safes and vaults, I decided to close my company and work for one of the safe service providers. This has allowed me to improve my skill set. It has led me to running training courses for the MLA at both a regional level and at the Expo.
In 2019, I was elected to be the MLA Western Regional Chairman. Throughout my career path I have always maintained my personal membership.