Safe Design App Industry First
In another security industry first. We are excited to announce the launch of Burton Design our NEW Luxury safe design app! This is available to use in a browser or you can download the app for your iOs or Android device.
Please visit the design website and design your own Luxury Safe burtonsafes.design

Why Did We Launch This App?
We wanted to support our trade customers with an excellent sales tool. It allows you to customise one of our luxury and design safes. Once the options have been selected you get a preview of the safe.
Is The App Free?
Yes! We decided that it was important there should be no cost to download Burton Design. We hope you will download it today!
What Can I Design?
From our new Ares S2 range to our well established Brixia Uno and Tre. You will find all the ranges in our luxury and design section are available to design.
How Many Designs Can I Create?
There is no limit to the number of designs! You can design any number of different safes with different options to suit. For each design that is completed an email is generated with full details of the safe and customisation.
Can I Download a Brochure?
As part of the launch for Burton Design, we have produced a dedicated design brochure. This encompasses all the luxury and design ranges into one. It will be available to download initially with a printed brochure due soon.