Burton Safes donate 400 trees for local nature reserve
Burton Safes today proved their commitment to improving the environment and to improving the lives of local people in Kirlklees. They have just donated 400 trees and funding to plant them this Autumn at Dlaton Bank in Huddersfield. The trees will be a mixture of sessile oak, scots pine, birch, rowan and hazel, creating a rich and diverse landscape for wildlife to thrive in. Dalton Bank is a 3.1 hectare extension to the existing Dalton Bank Nature Reserve which links it to a public right of way. The site is of significant value to the Leeds Road are a of Huddersfield.
Ben Lewis, director at Burton Safes said “We hope that this will be the start of a regular partnership between Burton Safes, Kirklees Council and the White Rose Forest, to create more spaces that allow wildlife to flourish at the same time as giving local people more areas to enjoy with their families. We recognise our environmental repsonsibilities as a business and will continue to give something back as expand.”